Writing a Resume as a College Freshman

Congratulations on getting into college. Choosing to attend college is a very important step that will help to ensure a bright future for you. During your college career, you will learn new things, have new experiences, and meet new people. As a new college student, you may find that it can be hard to find balance and make ends meet. Balancing jobs, social activities, school, personal responsibilities, and extra-curricular activities can be extremely difficult. When done right it is possible though. If you have a plan for success, college can be one of the best times of your life. If you prioritize your education and your work life, you can get the most possible out of your college experience.

You may find yourself in search of a summer internship or college student job before or after your freshman year of college. A summer job is a great way to make income and gain valuable experience in the workplace. There are a few key tools that will help you to do your best when searching for a job as a college freshman. Having a great cover letter and functional resume for college freshman will always be important when applying for jobs, no matter how old you are or how much experience you have.

How to Find a Job as a College Freshman

There are many different work opportunities that are available to you as a college freshman. On campus jobs often offer part time work opportunities for students who are attending classes. These opportunities are usually designed to be worked by students who also have a full time course load and they will schedule you more flexibly around your class schedule. A paid and unpaid summer internship experience is a great professional experience for college students as well. These internships may exist on campus or off campus, and are great for building career success or relations with a potential employer down the road. Often, you can find out about internship opportunities from your student learning center on campus. You can also find internship opportunities online. Summer jobs are useful for students as well. During the summer, especially if you do not have any courses to attend, it is far easier to work full time than it is during the school year.

It is clear that as a college freshman, there are a variety of work opportunities and internships for which you are uniquely qualified. You can find many different opportunities online or at career fairs. Your school may even have on campus career fair events (most do!). It is important to have a good college resume format and cover letter when applying to a job or internship experience. You will also need to find unique ways to stand out to a potential employer and hiring manager.

How to Write a Resume as a College Freshman

A resume for college freshman may look a little bit different than a resume for a more experienced person in the business world. Your college freshman resume template is still important though. Start creating your resume by finding a reliable and reputable college freshman resume template online. You will want to plug in your full name, phone, number, email address, and home address into the required areas. Use your legal name and do not put any nicknames or extra information on this section of your resume. Make sure that your font and spacing make the document clear and legible so that there is not any confusion when potential employers and hiring managers go to contact you. If you already have an old high school resume, you can start there but a college student resume will need to be updated in your education section, resume summary, and elsewhere.

You will want to include all of your work experience on this document. You will want to list your hard skills, volunteer experience, and extracurricular activities on this page as well. These can help to pad an effective resume with less employment experience. Even if you do not have any work experience at all, information about your volunteer and extracurricular experiences will help employers to see your potential, your skill sets, and your interests. Everyone has to find a first job at some point and start somewhere.

There are a few ways to stand out from the crowd in a good way when creating a resume. There are also a few ways to stand out in a bad way that you will want to avoid. Colored fonts, colored paper, crazy fonts, or clip art will make your resume stand out in a bad way. These are unprofessional mistakes that you will want to avoid at all costs. Having a neatly organized resume with good spacing will help you to stand out in a good way. You can also stand out during interviews by being on time, professional, well dressed, and prepared.

Other Resources Available to Help You with Your Career

The career center at your school or university often will offer student resume building courses. If you do not know where you career center is, you can look online for information or you can ask a librarian, student advisor, or older student on campus. The career center will provide access to computers, printers, and professional career coaches. These coaches may be peers, professors, or people outsourced from the business world. You can also practice your interview skills here and find bulletin boards with potential opportunities.

There are also resume builder websites and templates online that can be helpful to college freshmen in search of employment opportunities. Make sure to use reputable and well reviewed websites and templates only. You can ask your career center or student advisors if a website or template is reputable when in doubt.

Conclusions and Your Future Career

Whichever career field you choose to pursue as a college freshman, hopefully you enter into it with the absolute best of luck. That luck, paired with strong interview skills, and a good student resume, will help you to find all of the best opportunities available to you. Having employment during your schooling career helps you to gain valuable professional experience in the workplace that will greatly benefit you after graduation. The sooner you can get valuable work experience to list on your resume the better, even if it is not a full time opportunity. Internships, summer work opportunities, and on campus work opportunities are all great options for college freshmen. When pursuing work opportunities, always be sure to find balance with school and healthy down time. If you feel too much stress, there is always time to re-prioritize and re-evaluate. These tips should also help you in the event of this scenario.

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